TIL #2 – Gendered nouns for cows vs. chickens

Many intermediate Japanese learners are familiar with the words オス and メス, but there's more…

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TIL there used to be two different kanji pairs for female and male animals

I think many intermediate to advanced Japanese learners are familiar with the words オス to describe a male animal, and メス to describe a female animal.

I always thought they were only written 雄 and 雌 with the compound word 雌雄(しゆう)meaning the two sexes, but it seems there is another pair of kanji that means the same: 牝牡(ひんぼ)

I did a bit of research, and it seems that originally, 雌・雄 were used for chickens and bird-like animals. This explains why there is the 隹 part in both of these. This part is called ふるとり (old bird), and appears in many words like 雀(すずめ:sparrow)雛(ひな:chick)雁(がん:goose).

In 牝牡, both characters have the 牜left part, which is just a distorted 牛(うし:cow). This is why it was used for cows, and similar animals like horses and deer.

Words for female and male animals

When talking about cows, Japanese uses prefixes like お for male, め for female, and こ for children.
This becomes 牡牛(おうし:bull)、牝牛(めうし:cow)and 仔牛(こうし:calf)(Here I use 仔 which is used for young animals exclusively, but it is also often written with a simple 子).

The same pattern applies to other cow-like animals too:
鹿(しか:deer)牡鹿(おじか:buck)牝鹿(めじか:doe)仔鹿(こじか:fawn)—notice the voicing with the added ゛.
馬(うま:horse)牡馬(おうま or ぼば:stallion)牝馬(めうま or ひんば:mare)仔馬(こうま:foal)

Finally, for birds and chicken, I found the words 雄鶏(おんどり:rooster)and 雌鶏(めんどり:hen).
Chicks use the different word 雛(ひな).

Cow-like animals originally use 牝牡, but they can also use 雌雄, which has taken a broader meaning and can be used with almost any noun. Birds, however, cannot use 牝牡 which is still limited to cow-like animals.